Monday 27 May 2024

Summers 2024 in India

 I have never seen everyday of summer crossing 40 degree Celsius.
The temperature is unbearable and 70-75% of India is red and there is severe heatwave warning.
Then found this is the hottest summer ever recorded, now that is a huge huge warning before human race move towards extinction.

I see everyone is complaining about it but no one is bothered , just switch on air conditioning (AC) and done.
But AC is not a solution but itself it is a problem, large number of ACs would cook a places outside atmosphere. While on other side an overworked AC compressor would be cooked by the heat after a time.
Other big contributors are car more than any industry setup. The cars we see in cities lined up on roads bumper to bumper are really big problems.

On basis of above I see these visible problems in future:
1. Every year temperature would reach highest ( break the past records).
2. ACs would make the condition worst.
3. Rich would fly away from country during the summers.
4. People would not able to concentrate on work and efficiency would fall.
5. Elderly people would face lethal health consequences and may not survive.
6. Fire incidents would increase all over the country.
7. Aero planes would face more air turbulence related incidents and accidents.

Main reasons visible are clearly cars and electronics and concrete. So basically development has been misunderstood by our country being a materialistic concept.

We took all bad sides of west without retaining the good of our ancient knowledge.
It is red flag , along with flash lights and sirens that we need to slow down and start acting on solutions reducing deforestation, cars on road, use of electronics. The so called urban development would take us to a boiling country and planet in summers.

Development should also give back to nature, if you are just taking it from nature, you would be less human, living on a non natural habitat that is temporary and fragile. Each solution in such habitat ( example ACs) would itself a problem.