Thursday, 25 April 2013

Lets get started !

Lets get started !

Have Heard these word many times before?

Here these words are different.........
A question ..........why we are born/ what is the aim of life? .............................No one knows exactly why...
We choose an aim as the time passes but exactly no one knows the purpose of life....
"The world is fast ......the time is fast.....we grow and learn and sets an aim as the time passes...."

Most of us ....follow others (actors, sportsperson, politicians, businessmen etc.)......

But how many of us gives themselves a chance to be the one who is born to be followed...not to follow...
How many of us listen to themselves instead of listening to others....
Very few of us....

Why we don't have time for ourselves......Why can't we give few minutes to think of ourselves...
("At this point some people would say we do think of ourselves, our family, our friends........")

This is not enough..........Give the time to the best in you...
People can earn money , people can get extensively educated...., people can earn fame....
but they are not able to earn aim 
(AIM can not be earned it can only be achieved)

We look at others .....gets effected ....starts following the aim of others  ("we try to earn it")

Set your AIM  & then the way..............     TO ACHIEVE IT

For those who believe in GOD-
" GOD has given us brain, but not the way & purpose to use it"

Businessmen uses it to make MONEY....
Most of Politicians uses it rob the NATION.......
Actors/ Singers uses it for ENTERTAINMENT......
Social workers uses it for LIFE of others.......

Lets ignore the words in "RED".....
Lets find best in ourselves.....
Lets be the one who has own thoughts......
Lets be the one who is followed....
Lets not listen to others.......

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