Wednesday, 15 January 2014


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Result is important day for every person who gives exam.
It is more important when it is "CA final result"...

Today ICAI announced CA final nov 2013 results which shocked me and other students as well.
Just 3.11% result for both groups....(and as far as I know it is not quality control)...

No transparency in the process, no clues about qualification of the checking personnel, some people have been downscaled with more than 50% from the expected score, some people that I personally know who are ineligible to become a CA have cleared .....what we can see is ”BLOODY LOTTERY SYSTEM”....or First IN First OUT....

I am unable to figure out that what ICAI wants...more than 10% result in some attempts then trimmed to 3% in next...If institute wants to maintain quality control why it is not seen in all exams...

Now lets see other side of profession:
Why some CA not even know difference between WIP in stock and WIP in capital assets...
Why some of them are not aware of things that are to be treated as inventory....
Why some CA are working for less than Rs20000 per month...
Why some people become CA without having practical knowledge...
Why in some CA firms....articles are teaching new CAs...
Where the hell is quality control..?????

It is easy for institute to pass candidates under control in CA final exams but even this exam does not have quality control..what 3.11% result shows is quantity control.

What I have heard is “what percentage of result institute has to announce  is pre decided and only officials at higher level has information of same.

I am not saying this is not proper way “OK they want to control quantity of CAs” but why this is not done along with quality control..

I have some questions/suggestion:

Have exams of CAs members on regular intervals of 2-3 years to check the quality, temporary withdraw their membership to check “Quantity”.
Do that annoying downscaling there.

Even lazy and corrupt govt. Departments are known for their internal exams for promotion..why institute does not organize same to promote a member from ACA to FCA..”Have that quality control at this stage also”...

WHATEVER I have mentioned is completely logical and practical....

a)     A doctor studies MBBS , surgery procedures , human body etc. it works for entire life.
b)    An architect having knowledge of his field, is useful for his entire life without any change in rules.
c)     Engineer study Law of Physics, chemistry that cannot be changed till end of world.

But in life of CA corporate laws changes or amends, Tax laws changes every year, even new methods of accounting are introduced frequently in Guidance notes...
“THAT means quality and quantity control is important even after someone becomes CA member”

Now only institute can answer or debate on this matter why the qu a n t i ty control is suffered by CA Final students only..
Why they do not maintain quality with quantity..


Nov 2014 exam results analysis :  click Link
Searching for CA Jobs  ?  :    click   This link

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Comments whether in favor or against will be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right. Good knowledge of subject does not guarantee that you will get through CA exam. The results are extremely dicey. How answer papers are assessed is doubtful. Those passing CA exam do not have fundamental knowledge of accountancy, commercial law and Income in most of the cases.
