Tuesday, 26 December 2023

What is the main purpose of life to you?

 I will take this to a broad level in later part of my answer, people from different sects may differ, but what I am writing is what I have experienced and observed.

As human body which has feelings, sensations, intuitions, emotions, you should do things that you like, in addition things that benefit society. Anything against the society and beneficial for you can not be purpose.
Keeping above in mind when you do that you love/ like, it would benefit you in long run mentally and economically, self satisfaction (purpose) is something people do not get who run blindly after money.
If you run after money and as your years passes you realize there is still some void. So, solution is share your knowledge or success with society without expecting anything in return, that would fill the void.

Now I will explain the purpose spiritually (as per Hindu texts):

You do not live only once, soul takes another birth, that is the basic character of soul, ancient Indian scriptures suggest that. Purpose of soul is to get out of this cycle which can be attained through what world know as good “Karma” and devotion to god.
Now here, you can not define the “Karma” as per your convenience or your sects compatibility. Most people already know what is good or bad but they still do not care because of different laws, beliefs, greed, fear or sects they follow.

For example, stealing is not good whether or not allowed by a law or sect, cheating your partner (or being characterless) is not good whether or not allowed by law or sect, intoxication is not good whether or not allowed by law or sect etc.
If you are not doing such things in a group of 100 people while 99 others are doing it, do not question yourself, that sense of self realization and being that mentally strong is a powerful feeling.

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